A few projects in the making..

Sorry about the long writing break. Things have been crazy with post-grad stuff and projects in making for the wedding, for myself, and for the future. So I figured I’d update with a little information on what I’ve been up to lately, some products I’ve picked up on the way, and just some of my most recent interests and thoughts.

So considering that the subjects of this blog include bridal and beauty I wanted to discuss one of my most long-lasting projects that I’m working on that concerns both- weight loss. This project started on December 17, 2010, the night of our engagement. Shortly after first basking in the “engagement glory” I immediately started making plans. Yes, I know it was a little early, but I have been so excited to marry this man! So one of my longest lasting projects I figured would be the weight loss and would be something I would need to start right away.

It’s something that I’ve got to say I’ve never been good at. Tried before too many times, and I just can’t stick with temporary no-carb diets or other diets of that sort for more than a week. I need to occasionally satisfy that non-relenting sweet tooth that is always beckoning me.

So my first step in this journey was realizing that I didn’t just want to lose weight, I wanted to keep it off. FOREVER. This meant making a lifestyle change. And no, not just any lifestyle change. One, I could stick with and survive on. So, my next step was determining which lifestyle change that could be and how I can stick with it. And this is what I have learned has helped me so far on my weight loss journey:

  • Maybe it’s just because I studied psychology. Maybe it’s because I am just easily manipulated. Either way- I have determined that calling my new healthy change a “diet” doesn’t work for me. Instead, what works is simply calling it “a series of small life-style changes- no biggie”.  For some reason when I think of the word “diet” I suddenly start to feel my stomach grumble with hunger and my sweet tooth screaming at me. Making small lifestyle changes doesn’t seem so bad.
  • And that’s what it is- a series of lifestyle changes. No prohibiting anything really. I started by just using the rule of thumb  of eating servings the size of my fist- no seconds. Then I stopped drinking regular soda during the week (I’ve never been a big soda person to begin with,) Then, I limited sweets to one small serving a day (if that) before 6.
  • And lastly I started walking for about 3o minutes at about 3.0 mph.
  • Since starting these lifestyle changes I’ve lost over 3o pounds. 30 pounds that very proud of but didn’t seem too bad to lose. When I first started walking, 3.0 was extremely challenging to me, but since then I have been able to increase my walking speed/distance and am now able to run 3 miles in 30. I know it may not seem like much to experienced runners, but for me, its a big accomplishment.
  • I still have twenty more to go until my goal, so I’m going to continue to adjust as I face plateaus.

Just thought I’d let you know how I found out which way has been successful for me in weight loss.


Costco is currently selling Stila makeup sets for $15.00. Sets are for summer while the second is for the blushing beauty. Very good deal!

One Response to “A few projects in the making..”
  1. Lilee says:

    Congrats!!! I never like when people feel they need to lose weight for a big occasion like a party, graduation or a wedding because it seems like it is vanity prevailing but in your case that’s not it, it’s a health and life thing and I’m happy for you! 🙂

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